My Pittsburgh trip helped. I got to see my best friend from college and a few other great friends, eat amazing food, get a couple of good workouts in, and just relaxed. I wasn't sad. I wasn't angry. For the first time in a very long time, I was really just content. It felt like I was gone for a week but in a good way. There are very few people who balance me the way my friend does and I could not be happier that she is in my life (so thank you).
However, I'm back now. Back in DC, back in my apartment, back in my cubicle at work. The places where all my neativity lurks. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little bit better.
Le Sigh.
Saturday - I missed the Cathedral because I had a late night on Fri night but we went on really great run, which was probably slow for her pace. We ran along the river on the Great Allegheny Passage Trail from downtown, around the casino, and back. I definitely wanted to stop a few times but after stretching my calves (which tend to cramp a lot), I pushed myself to finish the loop. We ran up the stairs near PNC park, picked up the pace across the bridge, and sprinted from there to the transformer sculpture for a strong finish. It was absolutely beautiful because we could see the hillsides and all leaves were different colors. I hit my goal of running more than 3 miles. which makes me happy. I'm really focusing on being stronger and faster for my second marathon. Time: I believe it was around 41 minutes.
Some pics from the run:

Sunday we did a one-hour circuit workout with weights, pushups, abs, jumpies, burpies, and squats. And today I hurt...what a shocker.
P.S. This week should be coworkers and I are starting a workout club - MWF - we'll be doing P90x...
the run we did was fantastic. it's so lonely now running alone. :) i had such a lovely time with you this weekend. come back soon!!!